Arkleton Hill

When Fiona and I were up on Whita Hill on February 10th, we looked across to Arkleton Hill and decided we would have to come back and climb it one day. Today was that day.

We started from Ewes Hall, and passed Arkleton House, the scene of a notorious murder in 1977, before ascending up into open countryside. The going was rough underfoot at times, with boggy bits and tussocky grass, and it was very cold - we dodged a couple of snowshowers on our way to the top. You can see the summit cairn on  the skyline in my photo, directly above Jess's head. We ate our lunch at the cairn as we were very hungry, and watched some wild goats and their little kids not far away, then descended to make this a circular walk - 7.15 miles in all.

A grand day out and we spotted several more hills for future walking adventures...

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