New times, new technology, new routines

We've had our new hybrid car for a bit over a month now and we are very happy with it. We quickly got used to it's being an automatic, despite a lifetime of driving manual gear shift cars.  We didn't even have to get used to it being a chargeable hybrid car. Basically it drives like any other car. I even towed a Volvo a kilometre or two the other day, without really noticing any difference. The noticable difference is that we don't need to put much fossil fuel in. If we drive to our nearest shop, or to the nearest town and back then 95% of that journey uses the electric motors. In these days of expensive fuel that feels good.  So thats one sign of the new times.
When we picked up our post today it included a message from Postnord, the Danish postal company that bought out the Swedish post-office.  It informed us that they were developing new routines to suit the new times, which actaully meant that instead of getting post Monday to Friday we'd get it every other day instead. Which means we'll get our post delivered twice one week, and three times the next. I can understand this in one way but it irritates me in another way. All our bills and all our government post arrive electronically now. The number of letters has gone down drastically so I can understand that they aren't selling many stamps and can't offer the same service as previously. So why the irritation. Well, PostNord are starting this scheme up in the north half of Sweden. All the big cities and richer parts of the country continue to get their letters Monday to Friday. This seems a little unfair to me and is part of a much wider pattern of the south exploiting the north. But I won't rant on any further...

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