Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Late to the party

A sunny day and not as cold as it was on Sunday. It was so warm I had to open the window even though it was quite windy.

Only a light coat was required on the lunchtime walk. The park was very quiet. The Easter holidays start soon, although I think most people escaped at the weekend (or are probably still at the airport waiting for an airplane to take them on holiday). So only a few dogs and their owners in the park. And this snowdrop. The crocus flowers have gone, and some of the daffodils have seen better days. It is a bit late to the party.

A quiet afternoon at work. It clouded over, but it looked to be staying dry. So after work I went on a bike ride. It started raining. It didn't last long though. I managed a respectable 32.3km, just over 20miles.

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