In my front garden

This pulsatilla in the front garden is just three years old. When I first planted it there was only one flower, it’s looking splendid this year. I’ve got some others there too, a couple of white ones, but they don’t look quite so photogenic.
A trip out for a lunchtime meeting at the health centre, I’m on the PPG (patient participation group). They are meant to be more frequent, but not had one since August last year. Understandably they are much more under pressure these days and this group for getting patient views and ideas is not top of their priority list. However it was very interesting, and being part of the group I get to know what’s going on there, their plans for the future and I usually manage to give some suggestions when asked.
Anyway, as the nurse practitioner was in the meeting who did my blood test last week, she kindly offered to do my diabetes review after the meeting and good news, my blood sugar count is down quite considerably, so I got a gold star for that. No change to the medication, but the dose was cut in half last year, so it’s about right as it is, plus the weight loss, increased walking and exercise is making a big difference, so I’m feeling quite pleased with my efforts.

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