Pethau newydd a phethau hen

Pethau newydd a phethau hen ~ New things and old things

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Roeddwn ni'n gweithio gyda llawer o dechnoleg heddiw. Rydyn ni'n gwneud fidio o'n dysgeidiaethau 'zoom' bob wythnos, ac yr wythnos hon aeth rhywbeth o'i le. Yn lle o fideo o'r siaradwr, cawson ni fideo o bawb yn y cyfarfod. Roedd rhaid i mi docio'r fideo i lawr i ddangos dim ond y siaradwr. Roedd cwpl o oriau o waith i mi ffeindio ffordd gorau ond yn y pe draw roeddwn i'n llwyddiannus. Nawr rydw i'n gwybod beth rydw i'n gwneud rydw i'n gallu gwneud y gwaith mewn eiliadau - os rydyn ni angen gwneud e eto. Ar ôl i mi docio’r fideo roedd Nor'dzin yn gallu ei taclus cyn ei uwchlwytho i Youtube

Y peth arall oedd adeiladu 'drone' - un o fy anrhegion penblwydd. Gwnes i ffeindio'r sgriwiau bach yn anodd i fy mysedd 63-mlwydd-oed ond yn y diwedd roedd beiriant hedfan gyda fi.  Mae'n anodd i mi ei gadw dan reolaeth, ond rydw i'n dysgu.

Yn y prynhawn hwyr aethon ni i'r pentref i'r clinig i ofyn am foddion Nor'dzin. Pan roedd hi yn y clinig gwnes i fwynhau'r edrych ar y hen waliau o'r adeilad drws nesa. Rydw i'n meddwl ei fod wedi gweld rhywfaint o hanes.

Fel arfer, aethon ni i'r siop goffi am sbel cyn cerdded adre.

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We were working with a lot of technology today. We video our zoom teachings every week, and this week something went wrong. Instead of a video of the speaker, we got a video of everyone at the meeting. I had to clip the video down to show only the speaker. It was a couple of hours work for me to find a best way but eventually I was successful. Now I know what I'm doing I can do the job in seconds - if we need to do it again. After I clipped the video Nor'dzin was able to tidy it up before uploading it to Youtube.

The other thing was to build a 'drone'- one of my birthday presents. I found the small screws difficult for my 63-year-old fingers but eventually I had a flying machine. It's hard for me to keep it under control, but I'm learning.

In the late afternoon we went to the village to the clinic to ask for Nor'dzin's medicines. While she was at the clinic I enjoyed looking at the old walls of the building next door. I think he's seen some history.

As usual, we went to the coffee shop for a while before walking home.

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