Desoto Falls

Leaving Desoto State Park today, and went by the falls. Stunningly beautiful area. The state tagline of "Alabama the Beautiful" could not be more right.

Would I live up here given half a chance? "Hell yeah". We have many goals right now, not sure this is the right time to aim for a second home* quite yet, but ----- it sure is tempting, especially since we know of 3.5 acres available up here.

Alabama really is one of those states that seems a little overlooked. If you ever asked someone who had never been to Alabama to describe what they think it would be from what they knew, I don't think it'd be even close. It really is one of those overlooked gems of a place. An easy way of life, lots and lots of space, not a huge bunch of people (Alabama is as big as England with only 4m people as opposed to 65m), and generally quite laid back.

Yup, I could fit in here.

* as opposed to 'house' as we have plenty of them.

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