
By LifeBeginsAt22

Early hours...

This picture was taken at approximately 5.30am... And is the only picture I took today! It was taken as the sun started to rise and the birds started to sing, hence the excited drunk faces! We had a very good night/morning in Brighton and didn't end up getting into bed till 6am!!! I know it's pretty crazy. I'm back to work tomorrow though so the crazy fun will be put on hold till the next half term!!!

Very disappointed I didn't take any other photos today... I've been to the gym (yes, the gym, even after my lack of sleep and hangover!), socialised with a few friends at a beautiful pub overlooking a lake (perfect opportunity for a photograph but noooo!) and throughly enjoyed a Mummy roast dinner!

Now I'm all tucked up in bed hoping to get enough sleep for my 12 hours shift back at work tomorrow!

Another great weekend!

Emily XxX

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