
Wow, two selfies in a row :-)

Carolina has suggested we look for an unusual angle or position for Mono Monday today and this is something I have had at the back of my mind for a while now. Another blipper, AH14 I think, did a shot from within a wardrobe a while back and I have been storing the idea, just waiting for a suitable opportunity to try it.  It's not quite the effect I had in mind, I could gave done with a deeper cupboard to get more mugs in maybe. I did think about putting the camera in the fridge, but decided that wasn't such a good idea.

I am feeling a bit better today, though I didn't have a good night and still have some stomach pains. I may give camera club a miss this evening which will be a shame as it is a practical session using light pads. It was going to be focus stacking but that has been postponed as the chairman has Covid. I did an LFT myself this morning, just in case, and it was negative again.

In other news I had a small victory in the cost of living battle. My car insurance renewal quote came in, 27% up on last year. Just 10 minutes on Compare The Market and I got equivalent (in fact better in some areas) cover from a big name insurer, for a lower price than I paid last year. It's a pain that I won't be able to do the same when our fixed price electricity deals runs out in June. I am anticipating a 65% increase.

One year ago:

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