Passive Aggressive debate
This gas cabinet key has caused all sorts of issues
I said ‘The key isn’t where I left it, I can’t find it.”
Passive aggressive? Not intended as such. I did spend an hour looking for it.
Passive aggression, in my opinion, is when someone says, “Someone has lost the key” or “Someone has put the key somewhere I can’t find it”. When only 2 people live in a house and when that kind of “someone” phrasing is used then it’s more passive aggressive IMO, obviously it’s a can of worms and very much open to debate. Debate is good!
I’ve had a few,
“Someone has made me” situations in my life.
To be fair it’s various people and various contexts over time and I have very little patience for it now. There are few exceptions, for example, power issues such as child versus adult, where people can make you go things but unless you have reduced bodily or reduced mental autonomy “someone” thankfully, often, doesn’t make you do anything.
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