Birthday eve
Because of work, and school, and TallGirl’s driving lessons, and Mr B’s flight tomorrow, today we celebrated my birthday (which is actually tomorrow). Lovely presents, champagne in two colours (the red stuff brought a big dose of cognitive dissonance, but that may have just been down to the 2003 Margaux I could see on the bar), and a lovely chocolate tart.
Icy cold day. This morning’s frost may have done for our pomegranate tree, and the new climbing hydrangea, which I thought would be more robust. Happily I’d put the really tender pots in the poly tunnel. As with last year’s April frosts, we may lose most of the fruit crop.
Weekends are too short. I’m beginning to feel that years are too short. I’ve promised myself an hour of gardening every day this week, although given that I leave on a trip on Wednesday, that’s really only a two day commitment.
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