62 degrees north

My bed was rocking very pleasantly (others may not agree) when I woke up this morning as we were sailing across one of the few open stretches of water on this coastal route. However, we were once again sheltered by some of the many offshore islands by the time we went for breakfast. The food on board the ship is very tasty, including many things sourced from Norwegian producers adjacent to the day’s sailing route. Most are very enjoyable but I don’t think I will be trying the dried fish ice cream, although the brown cheese ice cream might be another matter.
We spent the afternoon in the port town of Alesund which has a beautiful art nouveau architectural style as much of the town had to be rebuilt after a fire in 1904. However, I do wonder how the foundations of these buildings shown in my main photo survive being immersed in sea water, although it must be very handy to be able to tie up your yacht by your front door.
Thank you to everyone who has given me stars and hearts for my blips since I set out on my adventure on Friday.

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