
On Thursday (I’m almost up to date. ;-D).

As I mentioned earlier in the week, Mr C gets invited to talk at a training event and this morning was his time to go and do his bit.  Once he finishes around lunchtime we will head home.

Mr C and I loaded the bigger cases and headed off to drop him at the venue whilst mum made sure the flat was all in order. Once I returned the snow was coming down quite heavy (middle blip on right). We had to be out of the flat by 10 but still had a couple of hours to kill before picking up Mr C. We headed to Framingham.  There was a reasonable amount on the roads and cars driving past had a good inch of snow on top.  Luckily for Mr C, I found my way back to pick him up…. In the middle of an old American airbase.  I then drove home.

What I failed to mention in my earlier back blips was that Lucy called on Monday to say she was positive.  Mum and dad were originally going to stay until Sunday so they were here to celebrate Lucy’s birthday with her and the family on Saturday.  It would be too late for them to travel home today (Thursday) so they decided to stay and go home tomorrow.  Lucy made sure everything was wiped or sprayed down before we got home and has stayed in her room.

We ended our few days away with a Chinese takeaway.  Oh, and I found The Dig on Netflix for mum and dad to watch. They enjoyed it.

Back blip no.6

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