Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My annual autism chat..

Happy birthday to one of the lights of my life ..Alice is 10 today ... This years request as a gift from me was a 'monster high' doll ... They are funky little zombies or little vampires .. She adores them and I think she has about 20 or so of them now.

I like to make people aware of autism as because you can not see it quite a few people seem to think it is a modern day made up thing.. Silly people... I have been told by (usually men and women over the age of 60) that autism did not exist in their day ... sigh.. Course it did you twats,but you labelled those children and adults 'dumb,retarded,slow,thick,naughty,wilful ' I of course could go on and on and on ... People with no visible disability would be sent to 'special school' and mocked ... My own Uncle is one of those people .. Written off back in the 1950s.
So next time we see a child having a fuck off massive melt down in a supermarket lets not automatically assume they need a good slap ( that's always popular with my dads age group) ... Lets not judge shall we ... After all it is indeed sod all to do with us isn't it.Perhaps a kind word to he parent ....

Raise ones cup of tea,coffee and wine if you like to my little (actually she is almost as tall as me already) Alice and her 50 zillion zombie dolls x

ps.. I dot think any of my followers fall into he judgemental category .. It's a general rant aimed at the knobbers of the world x

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