Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User


Thursday......Abstract Thursday and following a trip to a local supermarket, I placed the purchases in the car and as I waited for Mrs IU to return, I decided to do a little exploring and walked along a back path where the deliveries are made.  Soon, I came to an area that was quite overgrown and was sectioned off by some rusty corrugated fencing which really came to life when the sun suddenly popped out. In post, I increased the contrast and saturation around the sky area to bring out the colour tones within  the clouds

So it was yet another occasion when having a camera i.e my iphone with me, proved to be very beneficial.

So what inspires me when looking for abstract things to photograph, it is trying to find something that is basically abstract from the outset without the need to use a special app in post processing to create something that no longer resembles the original in any way. That's my goal, although sometimes it is not that easy.

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