A walk down memory lane
One of my favourite walks when I lived in the village was down through what we called Pathfields, blow-ins call it Pink rocks, some bolders have been dropped in at the river edge to try & stop erosion of the riverbank, & I suppose they could be pink although I would say grey. :-)) The wild garlic, wood anemone & daffodils love the shady conditions, the euphorbia added a pop of colour in the sunshine.The primrose are still looking great, Herb Robert grows everywhere, Red dead-nettle has wonderful hairy leaves, the first flowers of the Large Blue Alkanet poking up through the grass, & one patch of Pink Purslane growing on the back of the beach where THE best skimming stones can be found. Did I skim?? Of course I had a go.. :-D
Another trip down memory lane was had when I met a woman walking on the heath earlier as I was exercising Bob & Lola. It transpired that she had worked for the same farming family as I had as young teenagers. I worked at a farm B & B, serving breakfast, making the beds, & quite often making desserts, Symington's Table Creams being one, for the evening meals. This lady, can't remember her name, worked for the son, & family when they had moved from Chudleigh Knighton to a farm in Hennock. She was 7 years younger than myself. I ended up hearing about her daughters current domestic troubles, then her life & troubles, including how she did'nt want children, got pregnant & her life had been a mess ever since. . Phew!!! That was a bit heavy going. I hope she felt better for the chat.
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