Ayton Wood

Taken at the start of my walk, which didn't go as well as yesterday, but no snow.  There are quite a lot of dying trees in the wood now, I think they are sycamore that have got some kind of viral desease.  Seconds earlier I'd seen a pair of buzzards over the trees - I wonder if they are thinking about setting up home.  They are thriving around here so it wouldn't surprise me.

I only made it to the farm road, about half way up the hill this afternoon.  I've not had as good a day as yesterday, but I've still achieved quite a lot.  Actually if I hadn't returned on the route I did I wouldn't have seen Jan's car to know she is home.  She is working in Scotland and her job has just been made permanent, so she's going to sell up and move permanently.  I'll have to go up and see how she's getting on once she's settled.

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