Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Brighton Marathon

Off to sunny Brighton to see our friend Neil run his first (and last, he says) marathon. Was so busy yelling at him as he ran past that I completely forgot to take any photos of him. It was a great day out, and he did brilliantly. Well done, Neil!

This evening I am finally beginning to feel the mild panic that spurs me on to do all the work I need to do for the return to work. Luckily I don't work on Mondays, so a busy day getting ready tomorrow.

Edit: because Neil was running in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind, we got to go up on the balcony of the Royal Albion Hotel, which was a great view (where this was taken from). Plus I met a gorgeous guide dog called Tom, and learned about how many guide dogs need a home after they retire. I want one, such gorgeous placid dogs (and I am no dog lover, let me tell you)!

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