Blackthorn at Birinie
Not much done today. Ordered next weeks groceries, deleted photos. I'm going through my files and getting rid of things and updating my backup drive. Can't tell you how many robin photos I had and there's still a good few. It will take me months to go through everything so I'm trying to do a little every day. Did some gardening as well. Too much as my knee got a little huffy. I'm weeding the front garden and was pleased to see that the fritillaries I planted last autumn are up and going to flower soon. Lay around after lunch with a heat pad and a book then went to Birnie to walk and photograph trees and blackthorn I saw yesterday. It began to snow as I left the house and I half hoped it would be snowing at Birnie. It would have made a good photo but it didn't last. Was doing my best to drive economically there and back. My car will tell me how I've done on a journey if asked so I was pleased to score 80/100 and over 52 miles to the gallon. I can see I will start competing with myself before long.
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