I don’t seem to have stopped, today, after arriving home from work at 4:30 auntie had a few chores lined up for me. Some post which needed some adjustments to the addresses was first on the list, re setting the tv which is a major challenge for her at the moment, a few ingredients for cake making on the kitchen worktop was a hint for me to bake something with dried fruit and a couple of other things that I completed in a short time.
A brisk 40k spin around my coastal route and I returned to a snoozing auntie. After a quick shower I decided to make a mincemeat cake with some slight adjustments to the original recipe, it was in the oven and cooking before auntie woke up for a cup of tea and a biscuit. The cake was ready to take out of the oven at 9:30 and I was ready to climb the wooden hill. Zzzzzzzz.

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