Be grateful
Everyday for every little thing.
Today I went to the chiropractor. I go once every 3 weeks. He is a friend of mine that I know through my bike club. 7 months ago his wife was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Today he told me that she took a turn for the worst and she went into the hospital yesterday. He expects her to come home soon, but her life is nearing the end. On top of that, his daughter (who lives in London) came home for a month to be with her mom. Her boyfriend came two weeks later and returned back with her. They moved in together just before she came here. My friend tells me that they barely got off the plane and he breaks up with her. Not only did she not see this coming, but now she has no place to live because she gave up her apartment. So this poor man is losing his wife AND is worried about his daughter who is thousand of miles away.
What could I possibly say to him?
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