Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

Clocks went forward. So I went for a bike bike ride just after 10am. I headed out to do the coastal route again, but I got to Brunstane and it was all foggy. So instead I headed south, initially on cycle paths to Bonnyrigg. The sun reappeared quite quickly. I then I followed the route up to Temple and Gladhouse Reservoir. From there it was up and over Mount Lothian, before heading down to Auchendinny and home.

The exact route can be seen at Relive here.

After lunch, partner and I headed up to Swanston. Blip is taken from just above the village. To mix it up we take the west loop, which is a wee bit more wild, as shown in Extra 1. On the way back, an interesting tree on a hill caught my eye. in a wee sheltered area, the goats that had been on that hill are starting to have young. Extra 3 shows the new kid on the block.

When we got home, it was nice enough to sit outside to have afternoon coffee. Only one more nice day before the cold arctic air arrives.

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