
I’ve been sat here typing away for ages then managed to lose the lot. Now I can’t remember what wonderful prose I’d come up with. I blame the distraction of having the Scotland game on Austrian TV in the background. Muppets.
So where was I? Oh yes, up early this morning cos one of the nearby churches is still on winter time and their bells are ringing away merrily at 6am. Joy. Worked away cleaning the terrace (again) before meeting up with Renate for lunch. Yak, yak, yak that was us. German yakking though.
Then time for some exercise. Pumped up the tyres on S’s bike and pedalled off into the countryside. The pic is looking back towards Unterhausen. Tree, barns, church, chickens, all very pastoral. No sun though, think I’ve seen the last of that for this trip.
Back home I rested my aching bum for awhile but dragged it out for some scran. Fish tonight - grilled dorada, straight from the Med or the freezer. Either way, it hit the spot.

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