Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Woke up full of cold and watched the qualifying for the race while having breakfast.

Went out to drop some stuff off at B&Q and popped into to Edinburgh Sash and Case to arrange for the windows to be replaced. They are going to get their architect to call on Monday so we can arrange the planning permission.

Went up town to get a few things and done including some more keys cut for the new front door lock. Also sorted out the internal flight from Phoenix to Vegas for the holiday. Looks like we will be staying at the MGM Grand, as that seems to be the best value for money. Also sorted out a painting of Taffy as a present for J parents. The artist should have it finished by June all being well.

Came home to catch up on some more TV while J cooked a banana cake.

Spent some time playing around with the water drops again. This time adding some Arrow Root to try and thicken up the water. Didn't quite work think it was a bit too thick and I couldn't get the timings quite right. This was the best out of the bunch. Need to spend some more time playing I think.

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