Capital adventures

By marchmont

San Son Sun

Another morning when I should have leapt out of bed earlier but I didn't.  It was misty when I got up but it soon burned off.  Did some minor decorating and got things ready for Y and K coming round. Y has stepchildren and K's son is in NY but normally Rome so they celebrate a date in May. Had a call with #2 son and a message from #1 son.  He was delighted he'd remembered on his own. 

The Coffee Club sat outside for 2 and half hours with most of that dedicated to drinking Cremant de Bourgogne, not drinking coffee. Good chat and it was lovely sitting in the sun.  It is amazingly warm - high teens. 

I stayed outside with my Han Suyin book on the Malaya Emergency until #3 son arrived.  He brought home made goodies from his baking course the day before.  What a boy!

I wanted to go for  a walk and we had a good stroll round the Braid Hills loop.  It was busy with many families out with Mums celebrating Mothering Sunday. And it was so warm but a bit hazy so the North Berwick landmarks had to be imagined rather than seen.  

We were back in the garden while the dinner cooked and we talked the end of the year plans and other things.  It was really good to spend time with M on his own.  Doesn't happen much now.  #1 gf is away down south on a spa day with a friend. 

After he left I watched some tv - season 2 of 'Les Rivieres Pourpres.'  I didn't last very long. 

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