horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

All Trained Out

(Posted elsewhere, copied for ease)

Apologies in advance for the slightly narcissistic post…. It’s been a weird time on the bike lately. I’ve lost my daily commute with the house move (though truth be told reading a book on the train is better than dicing with traffic), and around the move I stopped training altogether. Start of the year I got back into it, easing into training, and knocking out 100 miles in a day a couple of weeks ago. But it’s just not felt right, and last week my head and body packed in. Last Sunday I’d decided absolutely I was going to give up training. @mxgolding talked me down (frankly I think she’s just worried I get fat…), and this week I’ve got myself back into things.

I’m never going to be =AT3wSU76UIXBM7I5wyf7_AF0-0clTOzvgMXNNBEZQM29UFeGxh1kgMM2NyoEpzSBhgZtWahaW08RCaHgKnwPycMcjvyRx4ltv62C1JAN6DPN871B1ra34cf9esovtD-eScw-pQPkCsH6_r8FcZg95nrpEO8]@frikfrak74 or @camerooney.mason or =AT3wSU76UIXBM7I5wyf7_AF0-0clTOzvgMXNNBEZQM29UFeGxh1kgMM2NyoEpzSBhgZtWahaW08RCaHgKnwPycMcjvyRx4ltv62C1JAN6DPN871B1ra34cf9esovtD-eScw-pQPkCsH6_r8FcZg95nrpEO8]@isla_short or =AT3wSU76UIXBM7I5wyf7_AF0-0clTOzvgMXNNBEZQM29UFeGxh1kgMM2NyoEpzSBhgZtWahaW08RCaHgKnwPycMcjvyRx4ltv62C1JAN6DPN871B1ra34cf9esovtD-eScw-pQPkCsH6_r8FcZg95nrpEO8]@heatherstalks or any other number of people I could list as people I know who are awesome on a bike. But I’ve got my thing, and a million and one other things that mean the bike remains one of a number of obsessions.

But @espressocyclecoaching keep my pedals turning, and this week the Cotic X is coming off the turbo to be checked over, hopefully deemed sound for a respray, and put back on the road. I’d forgotten how much i liked that aspect. Planning a build.

And the commute isn’t entirely gone. Come summer I’m hoping to do the 45 miles or so round trip to work at least one of the two office days a week.

I’ll never be a star pupil for Espresso, but heck, I’m beating everyone sitting on the couch.

Now I just need to work out what I’m going to do to fix the 73 other major stresses in life just now….

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