A great Qigong session this morning, much needed and enjoyed.  After that I just started processing some of the photos I took yesterday.  Whilst processing the photos this lovely collared dove came to our balcony and the tray of bird feed that we have balanced on there, so that's today blip sorted I thought.

Apologies for the quick blip yesterday but it was a busy day and I'd also had two large glasses of wine, and for me who rarely drinks these days, it was a lot.

My sister tried to book an Afternoon Tea for Mother's Day back in February but after 4 times being told they were fully booked she tried The Lanaster House Hotel and got in no problems.  This is largely because the hotel is right outside of Lancaster almost in the gorunds The Lancaster Universirty.

Anyway it was a different afternoon tea and all locally sourced so that is great.  It was far too much for me so I've bought my savoury mini scone and large sweet scone home with me for today.  

My only comment is that we were put out into a sort of hallway by a window and there was quite a lot of toing and froing as it was a busy place, however it was a large area and the staff were very attentive and pleasant. 
I've included a couple of collages that I made up of the day.  The collage which includes Williamson Memorial were mostly taken on my Samsung phone and that particular one from the car on th M6 as Hubby drove me home!!  The photos of Mum's present were taken by my sister on my Mum's little Doro phone.

A very pleasant afternoon with attentive and good service and it was different.  I must admit my main thinga about afternoon teas is that they always include large scones, which to me are a tea all on their own.

Do take care everyone and stay sae and I will see you tomorrow.

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