Portinatx Portrait

I woke to lovely cards made by Asha and Nate, and some jelly babies and mini Cava! Lovely!
We headed off up to Portinatx to walk to the lighthouse. It's a very fun walk with some scrambling etc...very very fun for the kids, plus Danny had made a picnic for us all which was lovely. We had perfect weather too...no rain and not too much wind, just as well as some parts of the walk are close to the edge!
Home and the sun made an appearance so we enjoyed the garden and sat around reading whilst Danny was wonderful and made a roast chicken dinner for tea. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate breaking his own streak of weekend after weekend unwell - he was fine today! Hallelujah!
2) The kids I've been given...love them to bits though they push me to my limits at times too!
3) How much Mike and Marilyn enjoyed this walk - their enjoyment made me enjoy it all the more. 

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