Deer stalker
This young Roe Deer never seen nor caught wind of our scent, the Sun was rising behind us, he noticed the deer in the distance by itself, we manoeuvred slowly towards it almost foot by foot, each time ducking low so it wouldn't see us, after about 5 minutes of us playing commandos, my cousin decided to run for it, each time freezing when it looked our way, I was trying my hardest not to laugh out loud at his actions ( he's normally a quiet guy and does nothing in a hurry) and steady my camera at the same time! After about a dozen or so photos where my focus wasn't very good, I decided to switch onto my photographer mode and captured this ( 1 of 6) before it scampered into the distance with its heart pounding at the though of a human being getting that close to it... Bless! :-)
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