Moth Slurpy!!

Lazy Sunday spent catching up on a back load of images taken over the past few weeks.
My laptop died late February and I have been unable to process any of my daily images until just a few days ago when I became the proud owner of a desktop - thank heavens for friends and freebies. Fortunately the same person was able to save most of my data from the laptop and transfer it over onto the desktop. It has been quite strange working with a keyboard and mouse instead of the touch-pad. It feels quite heavy and clumsy but am sure it will not take me long to feel as one with my new toy.
Have so much to catch up on but am looking forward to getting you all caught up on the images I took daily whilst disconnected.
Today I used our very own jungle to find a blip. Quite a lot of insect munching going on but particularly liked this one. Spider only the size of a small fingernail so did not actually see the moth being devoured until I got the image up on the screen. This long skinny moth is quite common in this neck of the woods but I do not know it's name...must look out for a book on NZ moths.

Have downloaded all images for this month. Will try to catch up with March images over the next week. Forgive the lack of commenting on your work for now

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