Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


We first went to Ashwellthorpe Lower Woods in March last year.  And returned several times through the year.  But we hadn't been this year, until I suggested on Friday evening that it might be good for us to get out of the house for a while on Saturday.

We had to wait around for a parcel - another new vacuum, this time a small hand held cordless for the bits that Rocky won't be able to reach.  I think that means we may get rid of our corded vacuum - though I have an inkling of concern about depending on battery devices.  W reminds me that before we had vacuum cleaners, we had these simple devices known as brooms!

Whilst waiting for the parcel, which fortunately arrived before lunch, we spent some time going through our kitchen cupboards, and have amassed a collection of stuff for the charity shop.  Then we went to Ashwellthorpe woods for a lovely meander in the sunshine.  Wood anemones, celandines, primroses, and violets make a lovely carpet, with developing new growth on the trees.  We heard, and saw, woodpeckers, pheasant, and an abundance of small birds.

We returned freshly invigorated, and moved the contents of our drinks cabinet onto the dining room table, to better see what we have, and decide what to do with the many half empty bottles of this and that - if we try to drink it all up, we will spend the next few weeks permanently inebriated.  But we can make a significant dent if we have Vermouth or something else instead of gin.

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