
I've been noticing forsythia in bloom all around north Seattle and Shoreline, but I've not been in a position to photograph any.  I fell in love with forsythia growing up in Brooklyn, and I used to think of it as our borough flower.  Well, the tenant in 201 has put this pretty bouquet of artificial forsythia outside her door and it has a very realistic appearance, so I share it with you.

A notice has come from the landlord announcing a large rent increase and the institution of an exorbitant charge for parking in the garage.  These two items will increase my monthly housing cost substantially, despite the fact that my income hasn't increased.  And I'm sure they will be raising the rate for other things now included in the rent.  The organization that manages the building is supposed to be a non-profit, keeping rents low for the modest income tenants it houses.  I guess that's no longer true.  It's all really worrisome.  There certainly isn't any other place in the Seattle area that I could afford to live in.  I wish I felt I had options.

Tomorrow is Twinsday and it's been two weeks since I've seen them.  I'm so excited to be with them tomorrow and enjoy some good family time.

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