And a great time was had by all!

My granddaughter spent the night and daughter-in-law dropped off the four year old on her way to work, so we spent much of the day together. Always bacon for breakfast. The little one came into the kitchen and declared that something smelled delicious and he was hungry! They proceeded to eat a LOT of bacon! 

We did this and that, playing in and out, eating lunch and playing some more. After mom came to pick them up I went out to the garden to continue my attack on the weeds that have already gotten out of hand. I'm making progress, you'll be pleased to know, and anticipate being done with the weeding tomorrow!

I planted this Frittilaria imperialis 'Rubra' (Crown Imperial) the year before last - last spring it did not bloom. I was actually surprised (and thrilled I might add!) to see this one blooming this year. It's in a location that it undoubtedly doesn't like since it really doesn't want any summer water. So when this is done blooming, I'll dig it, and the other two remaining bulbs (two have disappeared) up and move them into the new front garden where there will be minimal summer water. Fingers crossed. It's pretty extraordinary looking for this time of year I think! And...the tulips are showing some color. Soon!!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

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