Field of Lupins

We walked with Dana and Jim toward their house and came back through what we 'the canyon', involving a series of switchbacks both down and up with a barely discernible trail in between. This gives us a chance to check out the progress of new houses in various stages of construction and also a chance for Spike to run without the leash, although he needs some guidance to keep to the trail around the corners and in between tall grasses. 

The lupins are coming up in the fields behind our house and I think this is a particularly nice stand. We paused for awhile to throw a stick for Spike and enjoy the peace and quiet which reigns here today. Spike didn't quite get the stick concept (the only thing Ozzie would chase) but was quite happy to charge around unrestrained.

Our friends Dan and Tobi came for dinner last night and we learned a lot about the May wedding of their son and all the related events. Tobi is throwing a wedding shower for the bride next weekend, and Dan is preparing a pit to roast a whole pig for a rehearsal dinner at their house. Sounds a bit of an odd choice for the bride's Jewish family, but she insists that it will be a big hit. Tobi and John discussed native plants for some of the spots in our garden that are still bare from the fire, and I renewed my request for echium and kniphofia. I can never tell if such things are falling on legitimately deaf ears or purposely deaf ones, but I can be persistent. Right now he is obsessed with potatoes....

The weather is beginning to change...we are hopeful for a measurable amount of rain by tomorrow night....

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