There are nine planters dotted round the river path. They were made at, and in the past tended by, the staff and service users of the local day centre. Covid of course has played havoc with the day centre's capacity to offer a service at all and, long story short, the planters have now been adopted by people living locally. I started planting mine today with some hardy perennials which should cope with the position it's in. The full thing is in the extra - a double decker. Once I've got round to planting my annual seeds (it is only March despite the warmth) I'll put some in till the perennials get established and, I hope, fill the planter.
My lovely children, partners and grandchildren are due here for lunch. They're bringing the food as a Mothers' Day treat. All I have to do is change out of my gardening clothes and eat. Unfortunately though my elder son, his partner and my grandson have a sicky bug so they aren't coming. Such a shame for them and for me. But I really don't want the bug I must say.
Back to blip later.
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