Spring is sprung
Booked and swam and slightly later had an honest conversation with A. That was followed by a 'chat' with 3 women. I think I'm relieved it did not have a positive outcome, though it was positive for me.
Spent ages on the phone to different parts of the NHS. Why don't they they answer their phones? I eventually googled a number and spike to a very helpful nurse who kept calling 'mam'.
Later I went to the garden. Long call with KK as I walked up and down. 2 frogs and even more frogspawn in the pool. The 'forced' rhubarb is also looking good. It was warm and sunny.
Spike to J and set something up for tomorrow night. Mum is ok, 4 days of -ve testing.
After J went I put up the curtains, made TV and watched TV.
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