
This is what the neighbour's call the community garden.  It is between our driveway and the accessway to five more houses and then the path up the hill.  We are quite okay with anyone taking a vegetable or two and in time there will be mandarins and a lime.  Those trees are young at present but they will grow.   It is community in name only we do the work.  Or rather he does the work and I try to squeeze flowers into it.  Our dear neighbour Pam always asks if she may have three leaves of silver beet and the forester says, splash out Pam get five.  Today we both pulled some weeds from it and the forester planted another row of carrots.  Earlier he had planted carrot seed and had poor germination so he bought this white strip of tape with the carrot seeds embedded in it.  That has been successful so he used the last of the tape today.  Even with an activity as old as gardening there is something new to learn.  

Let It Grow              Eric Clapton   

. . .  Let it grow, let it grow
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow
Love is lovely, so let it grow
Let it grow, let it grow

Time is getting shorter
And there's much for you to do
Only ask and you will get what you are needing
The rest is up to you
Plant your love and let it grow . . .

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