Badger Poo?!!!

Today we went to Janice's house for lunch. Walking to Janice's house is just over 4 miles and I get to have 'run about time' on Bruntsfield Links, the Meadows and Holyrood Park. When I'm confronted with a big expanse of grass I usually run and run and run and then roll and roll and roll around on my back.

Today guess what I rolled in, on Bruntsfield Links?.............. Badger Poo! Yay! Who even knew that badgers frequented Bruntsfield Links? Today I have been the stinkiest little collie pup that I have ever been in my whole entire life.

When we got to Janice's house Ann wouldn't even let me go in until Janice had given her some kitchen roll so that she could wipe off as much badger poo as she possibly could.

Janice is one of my most favourite people in the world and normally when I go to Janice's house I'm allowed on the sofa and she gives me lots and lots of cuddles. Today Janice didn't want to give me lots of cuddles and I wasn't allowed on the sofa.

Janice's son's dog, Jasper, had left a squeaky bone behind so I played with that for a while and then I just took myself off to the front door and lay in the hall so that Ann & Janice didn't have to smell me.

After lunch, Janice's daughter & grandson popped round. Normally they would have thought that I was the nicest little collie pup ever. But do you know what?......................... they didn't want to talk to me either. It would seem that no one wants to talk to a gorgeous little collie pup who has been rolling in badger poo??!!

We got the bus home and it was pretty quiet, which was just as well, as Ann was dreading someone sitting next to us.

As soon as we got home Ann sprayed about half a can of dry foam shampoo on me. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to have done the trick. I'm still really, really, really, stinky.

…...................The only option left; is for Ann to take off all her clothes, get into the shower with me and give me a proper wash???

PS – Ann's going to have a very large glass of wine before she even contemplates that option??!!!

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