
By Brotographer


So I apologize for the low quality of the first couple of blips from Marseillan. Its a beautiful place with the most amazing weather (hence why we sail there) but I've never taken my camera with me before. So at the beginning I was having a bit of a hard time finding time to go and take some shots. It gets better from here though, I promise.

This is one of the Hobie Cat 16 boats. New one as well! With it being the beginning of the season, I got to sail on mint condition boats, which was incredible! I've never had so little repairing to do and the hulls were unbelievably watertight.

So we're back to normal conditions. Very sunny with a strong Tramontane wind blowing from the north west. Eric comes sailing with us in the morning. He's a Cruising instructor but knows how to sail catamarans. Lucie, another catamaran instructor from the Archipel base comes with us in the afternoon. Its cool because like that we can have two crews of 2, rather than me sailing solo. My two sailing students (PA and Antoine) are already quite good, so the day is spent blowing past all the in depth (but basic) chronos and techniques, to make way for the good stuff!

I'm settling back in to the rhythm as well, even if I'm only here for a week. Instructor meetings in the morning. I'm getting on really well with my supervisor, Cecile. Playing ping pong when there's no wind and doing materials work on the catamarans. Practical engineering you might say. Chilling with wine and beers at night. The night skies are covered in stars here and you can hear frogs croaking all around you. And there's flamingos!


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