Saturday: Jagoda and Zlatko

We took a drive out today, to the village of Cigoc, near the Bosnian border.  It is known as the stork village as there are storks just nesting all over the place.  That part of the country has been hit by bad flooding in the last few months and, as we drove, the river had burst its banks nearly everywhere.

This is Jagoda and Zlatko, who run a little 'museum' in Cigoc.  In truth, they have just collected all their old family heirlooms which they now display.  Entry is £1 per person.  They have three children and nine grandchildren.

Zlatko spent ages showing us around, explaining everything.  As we had absolutely no common language this involved a lot of miming.  At one point, Jagoda took over but, when we hit an understanding barrier, she called out to Zlatko to come and help.  I am thinking that she shouted: 'Zlatko, come here - your miming is so much better than mine!'.

We had lunch, outside, in a meadow.  While having lunch, we noticed that a bird was in distress on the roof of the restaurant.  No sooner had we told the waiter then he was up a ladder and little bird has now been freed.

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