Maryland Puzzle

A tad breezy at times, with some sunny spells and cloud.  Typical it clouded over on my lunch break.  I was wakened at 5.30am this morning, I fell asleep again and later found out it was an earthquake NE of Unst.

Up early, and headed to work.  A day shift in the airport today, and mostly been working with oil and gas flights.  I picked up a new garden statue on my way home.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening, and then a lazy night on the sofa.

I like my day shift, as I get an hour lunch break to explore.  In the late 19th century, there is two houses here named Maryland, one lived in, and this one marked as a roofless ruin.  This would not be unusual, often an older house was replaced by a newer home, taking the same name.  Oddly I can't find and old records of births or deaths, so it must go under a different name, but what was it!  I wonder why it had been abandoned by the late 19th century, as it's still a very sturdy and substantial house.  Taken at Maryland, with Blett in the distance, Dunrossness.  

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