I'm no poet
Your bare limbs appeal
strong, twisted, against the sky
a skylark soars above
A busy day .. An early visit to the riding stables, 12 bags filled, back to the allotment, mulched the fruit bushes, then back for a second load, 12 bags back to the plot, unloaded. 3 bean trenches dug, filled with manure, then covered. Back home coffee & peanut butter on toast to top up :-), then over to Ideford to exercise Jorgie. We walked up onto Ideford Common then back the lanes, picking up plastic, empty cans, & sweet wrappers en route. Jorgie fed i had a mooch around Jan's garden. She has some lovely Euphorbias & they are looking a treat. Jorgie retired to her daybed so I returned home to Chudleigh. I prepped the veg for tonight's turkey & veg soup, then made a big pan of sofritto, a base for some meals while I'm away dog/housesitting.
Thanks to Kangazu for hosting Mono Monday #happy
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