tea time

It's becoming a bit of a tradition, now that the weather is so nice, to have our afternoon cup of tea in the woods. It only takes a few twigs and sticks to boil up the water in the Kelly Kettle and it's fun to do it this way. Nice also to sit in the woods and listen to the birdsong.

I haven't done so much gardening today as it was my turn to make the meal tonight and I spent quite a bit of time making a nut roast. I did plant some seeds, though - beetroot, globe thistle, lovage and Nigella. Washed our sheets and dried them outside, and went for a couple of walks. The good weather is continuing tomorrow; I'll be at work for most of the day, but as the days are getting longer, it will still be light when I get home, and  maybe I'll be back in time for tea. 

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