Shoe-rly Not!

It must be a recent(?) strange phenomenon that women who work in offices need to have several pairs of shoes and trainers under/beside/behind their desk.

I discovered this little hoard whilst preparing for a semi-secret photo thing that I might reveal later in the week.

What is that all about? Either:

* They are trying to hide their immense shoe buying habit from their partner; or

* They need to change shoes during the day depending on the meeting/task in hand; or

* They take them off and forget and walk home without any shoes on; or

* They just can't make their mind up; etc

Can any of our female blippers shed any light?

... and no, they are not my shoes :-)

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LOTD: Check out Airborne Skygod's Lake Victoria Sunset blip - awesome colours and reflections. Almost psychedelic.

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