Street shot
I think I need some more practice at this candid street photography lark! It was either half a Minister (Priest?) or some very attractive paving slabs. I'm not one for religion really, but this chap appealed to me: walking out of the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, looking as though all the cares of the world were on his shoulders, yet still running his fingers through the grass like a kid would.
Today was my regular clinic appointment at the Western. I have check ups every 6 months because I have cystic fibrosis (though with such mild symptoms that I feel like a fraud even just typing that). I just have lots of breathing and blood (eek) tests and chat to nice folk about how I'm feeling. Apart from trying to get parked anywhere within walking distance of the hospital, it's a very low stress experience. It's also the only place I go where I'm congratulated for putting on a few pounds (folk with CF generally have trouble keeping their weight up to a healthy level - not me though).
Anyway, these appointments give me a handy afternoon off with Mr B taking over school run duties, so I try and race through everyone I have to see at clinic really fast so I have time for a child-free wander through the shops.
Lots of sales on - depressing for the retail sector, but great for my wallet. And I got to inspect the tram works on Princes Street (who knew they were building an underground - do they really need to dig that deep!)
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