
By Nigel

Noodle Soup

Lazy shot of dinner this evening, it was a bit of a standby at the time but nothing else turned up before midnight.

What should have been a much better day turned to the worse after some problems at work made me miss the 3PM code freeze by 20 minutes. One of the middle tier engineers commit something that broke the continuous integration server so my faux pas will not be remembered and ultimately is of no consequence but it would have been nice to have been on time.

Returning home I was a bit agitated and there was a bit more wine drank than I had planned but it all resulted in a very pleasant and relaxed evening, the Georigi Moon corn whisky even came out, as close to moonshine as you can get over here I can imagine. It's not unpleasant and I only bought it as a gimmick bottle to have in the drinks cabinet but when times are tough...

I have to make a kind of front end architectural diagram for Monday afternoon and I had a few ideas which I quickly jotted down on the whiteboard and some time later Jen decorated it with a plethora of lego minifigs, that will most likely be tomorrow's blip.

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