
By stujphoto

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again ...

I had a bit of a frustrating time yesterday doing my blip as one or two things I tried did not work out at all well. I tried some macro shots initially firstly on the scanner and them with a camera but these were not really very interesting. Then I tried to do some more polarised shots using CDs and LED lights but again no real joy. Finally in desperation I grabbed a carnation bloom from the vase and placed irt on black velvet. Unfortunately it was backlit from a window and this showed all the pile of the black velvet plus a load of hairs and other gubbins which have gradually accumulated on my piece of black velvet. However, I decided to go with this and use photoshop to clean up the velvet. It turned out to be quite a fiddly job and even now I am, not entirely happy so I would probably prefer that you do not go large .

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