
Oh, the tough decisions one has to make when a burst shot works...!

We walked over to the nature reserve at Nind, hoping to see some action at the local heronry. We walked along the little river (which eventually finds the Severn at Berkeley Pill) but not a single heron was to be found. 

We spoke with a local dog walker who explained that a few years ago (shows how long ago we were last here), the person charged with controlling the sluice gates forgot to do the job, and the river flooded and all the fish overflowed into the beyond. Apparently, that person "doesn't live here any more".

As we were walking back this wren suddenly flew out from the willow and alder on the riverbank and settled onto a patch of vegetation to loudly berate us for our intrusion. I was lucky, and almost every shot including the landing were in reasonable focus. And I didn't bother him further. ;-)

I've loaded five shots of the sequence to Flickr, if you are interested.

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