A late afternoon walk around Worsbrough Reservoir

A beautiful spring day which was still very pleasant when I did my circular walk of the reservoir.  I'd just passed this lone fisherman and as I looked back he was just casting his line -  a lucky shot but I rather like it.  It's actually a colour image but shot into the light.  I walked the opposite way round to my usual route, otherwise I wouldn't have met Hazel, one of our newer camera club members, who was out getting some fresh air after work. While chatting she showed me an image on her phone and asked if I thought it would be suitable for the next competition - it was great.  I think she's got a winner there - the theme is fire and water for the special subject of this years inter-club competition with Holmfirth.

Lots of other things happening:  a longish time spent with Yorkshire Water customer service rep - I have two water-meters and the one in the utility room is showing zero - good news or bad - they need to send someone out.  I spent about an hour looking for an image for Morris - for some reason my mind had gone blank about where it might be stored.  I do have a system, but I think it must have been shrouded in the grey fog of my brain!  A longish catch-up with Patricia - mainly about this afternoons Contemporary Zoom meeting where I'm going to share the words of Tessa Mills and talk about the way they help shape my Huskar pit project. 

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