Some color

I got up at what was for me the crack of dawn to head up to Edmonds for my follow-up ultrasound of the AV fistula.  Returning home, I napped for two hours and felt a lot better.  I've read the technician's report, which raised some questions for me that I'll bring up with the surgeon when I see him for follow-up next week.

A ghastly cold has struck most of our family.  The twins had bad runny noses on Wednesday when Lex and Doug were babysitting; now Lex, Manda and Sarah have the cold as well.  We will not be getting together on Sunday so everyone can recover and I don't risk catching the cold myself.  A disappointment.

Here are some more flowers from the terrace garden.  These are the only flowering plants that show some serious color at this point.  I'm sure there will be more every day.

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