Full Moon!
9°C - 11 mph S Wind Speed - 20 mph Gusts - Cloudy - Sunny Intervals. Warmer to day so spent a while in the garden clearing leaves and weeds to make room for this years growth. No inspiration for blip though, so am using this morning's shot of the Full Moon - actually it was taken at about 00.45am, so not officially full until 07.20am. It's the nearest I've ever got to the official time since I've been shooting the Full Moon. The sky was amazingly clear when I captured it.
“The last Full Moon of the winter season in March is the Worm Moon because of the earthworms that come out when the soil warms up. Native American tribes called it the Crow Moon for the crows coming back, Snow Crust Moon, and Sap and Sugar Moon for when the maple sap runs. The Anglo-Saxons called it Lenten Moon after the Germanic Lenten for spring. The Celts called it the Wind Moon and Plough Moon. In Old English, it was known as the Death Moon and the Chaste Moon referring to the purity of the spring season.” Source: https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/moon/full-moon-names.html Going along with the flocks of Crows in the fields at the moment, I think I'll stick with Crow Full Moon:)
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